PNYA Committees

PNYA Committees

The PNYA committees strive to bring the PNYA membership together around common goals, and is the best way of taking advantage of networking opportunities of the organization. Committees meet on a regular basis, and have varying levels of time commitment- everyone can attend meetings and get more and more involved.


Latest Committee Video

To be involved in any of the sustainability initiatives at the PNYA, join the committees and jump in!


The PNYA Sustainability committee strives to educate and demonstrate the necessity of making environmental changes for our planet. We do so by watching films, hosting cleanups, paneling with city organizations, and pushing the green agenda.

Equity & Inclusion

We want to create more job opportunities for new and already established members. We created the Face-to-Face on Airtable and the "Who You Don't Know" networking events for various departments in Post Production. We meet every other Wednesday at 11 am.

Political Action

Works relentlessly to continue and extend the NY State tax incentive. Lobbying efforts help to create more employment in Post Production.

Education & Events

Founders of our bi-weekly Post Break Panels. Pre-covid, this committee would organize various in-person panels, mixers, and facility tours of our NY companies. Our goal is to share information, educate the membership, and create a sense of community.

Public Relations

This is the PNYA effort to promote post-production in NY. We need to promote existing jobs in an effort to create more job opportunities. If you have any ideas for articles or ways to promote Post in NY, we'd love to hear ideas.


Discover Tax Incentives, free events, workshops and extensive networking, hiring and job opportunities with your own PNYA membership!